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A life story at MAWA

Monika Schmid, who was born in 1945 and passed away in 2024, leaves behind an impressive 43-year career as a design engineer at MAWA. Her life was characterised by profound commitment, a successful balance between motherhood and work, perseverance and passionate dedication.

Recyclable clothes hangers made from hops and waste paper

MAWA recently launched the "CellFormDesign" project together with the TU Dresden. The aim is to develop environmentally friendly clothes hangers made from natural fibres, supported by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The project is a response to the increasing demand for sustainable alternatives in the area of everyday objects.

Harmful substances in our clothes?

Bright red jumpers, wrinkle-free shirts and blouses or water-repellent functional clothing: Many wardrobes contain colourful fashion pieces made from a wide variety of materials. However, in order for clothes to reach the market and then consumers in many different colours and with characteristics such as "non-iron" or "stain-resistant", chemical substances are often used in the production process.